Mini Works
2-3 Minute Inner Work Exercises
Surprise Yourself
Inner Work Exercises
Mini Works are short audio-recorded inner work exercises – no more than 2-3 minutes in duration. They are a quick way to find a bit of wisdom to ease your day.
Inside Out (1:18 minutes)
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HI, I’m Cindy from DeepWell. The weekend is a great time to reset or get a new perspective on something that has been on your mind. Here is a short inner work you can try.
Go outside or gaze out your window. See, feel, smell, listen.
Is there something in nature that catches your attention? It could be the movement of a tree, the smell of flowers, the colors of foliage, or a gust of wind? Choose one sensation.
Imagine that it holds a message for you for the day ahead. What is that message? How will you use it?
Sticks and Stones (2:04 minutes)
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Hi, I’m Cindy from DeepWell. The weekend is a great time to reset or get a new perspective on something that has been on your mind. Here is a short inner work you can try outside.
Ask yourself a question that has been on your mind recently.
Take a moment to walk outside. Breathe in the air, notice the sky, the light, the temperature, or breeze.
Take a moment and let your gaze fall upon a small object, perhaps a stone or stick, leaf or seed pod. Sit with this object and feel into it.
What does this object have to say to you? What is it teaching you? Where do you need to apply this learning?
Your Personal Forecast (1:18 minutes)
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Hi, I’m Cindy from DeepWell. The weekend is a great time to reset or get a new perspective on something that has been on your mind. Here is a short inner work you can try.
If you can go outside or gaze out a window if you can’t go out. Relax and breathe deeply. Notice the weather, see it, feel it, hear it. Let it fill your senses.
Imagine that the weather wants to tell you something. What is its message? How can that message help you in the week ahead?
Learning From a Body Symptom (2:25 minutes)
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The weekend is a great time to reset or get a new perspective on something that has been on your mind. Your body can be a great source of wisdom. Here is a short inner work to try focused on the body.
You may want to have paper and pen nearby.
Take a moment to think about who you are today. And jot a note about that.
Choose a body symptom you have. How would you describe your attitude towards that symptom?
On a piece of paper, draw yourself and the symptom. Give the drawing a name. Study your drawing for a moment. What aspect or element catches your attention most? Draw that aspect or element.
Now, gaze at your second drawing, and ask yourself what it might be? What message does this have for you about your attitude towards yourself or your symptom? Make a note of that.
Moving to a New Attitude (2:02 minutes)
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Hi! I’m Cindy from DeepWell. The weekend is a great time to reset or get a new perspective on something that has been on your mind. Here’s a short inner work you can try.
Take a few moments to breathe deeply and relax. Become aware of your body. Feel yourself from the inside. Notice any sensation you are aware of in your body.
Now, make a small gesture or hand movement to express this sensation. Let yourself make it a few times. Study it.
What strikes you or interests you about this hand gesture? Is there a word would you use to capture the quality of this gesture? What is it?
How might this quality also be an attitude that would benefit or be useful to you the coming days?
Using Subtle Perception (2:59 minutes)
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Hi, I’m Cindy from DeepWell. Inner work exercises are guided processes that help you to use subtle perceptions that you often ignore or overlook. These perceptions can be used to learn something new, to awaken to something once known or to find a new pattern for solving a problem or limitation you face. Here is a mini-inner work that explores the use of these subtle perceptions.
You may want to have paper and pencil nearby to do it.
Notice your mood, or if you have a problem or concern in the moment, make a note of that.
When you are ready, stand if you can and if you cannot physically stand, that’s ok, simply imagine doing so. So, stand or imagine yourself standing and slowly let your body turn in a circle until you feel yourself settle into a direction.
What direction are you facing when you stop?
Use your deep awareness as you take a few steps in that direction or imagine moving in that direction. Notice something in the direction of your walk.
Now, go back to where you started, or imagine going back to where you started, and take a few steps in the same direction again. Use your awareness to notice subtle signals or experiences, as you move in that direction or imagine moving in that direction. Do this a few times, until you find something meaningful in that direction. Make a note of that for the week ahead.
Your Body Has an Answer (3:52 minutes)
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Hi, I’m Cindy Trawinski from DeepWell. Through inner work, you can learn to notice, give space to and find the meaning in things that bother you. If you are curious about this, you might be interested in this mini work.
Please have paper and pencil nearby.
And when you are ready, ask yourself about a question that you have on your mind for the coming week or next few days? Make a note of this question on a piece of paper.
Now, take a moment now to feel yourself. Feel your body in this moment. Scan your inner experience. And notice if there a sensation, movement, vision or sound you notice in your body? Something that stands out in this moment. Make a note of it on your paper.
Now, go back inside yourself and study this sensation. Studying the sensation means paying close attention to it, feeling it, hearing it, attuning to it, holding it in your awareness.
When you are ready, ask yourself how is this particular experience in your body an answer to your question? What wisdom does your body have for you about your question?
Give yourself time to sit with this question and when you are ready make a few notes on your paper.
I hope you have a wonderful week.
Moods and Messages (1:50 minutes)
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Hi! I’m Cindy from DeepWell. The weekend is a great time to reset or get a new perspective on something that has been on your mind. Here’s a short inner work you can try.
You may want to have paper and pen nearby.
Ask yourself about any questions, concerns or troubles that have been on your mind lately. Choose one. Make a note of it on a piece of paper.
What is the feeling or mood you have around this concern? Now, make a quick energy sketch of this feeling or mood.
Take a moment to meditate on this drawing. What aspect, element or quality stands out to you in the drawing? What message does it have for you in regard to your concern?
Make a note of that.
Something is Calling You (3:31 minutes)
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Hi, I’m Cindy Trawinski from DeepWell. I’m talking about inner work exercises today. Inner work exercises help you to develop new attitudes towards people, problems and situations in your life. How do they do that? They do that by helping you access qualities or parts of yourself that you are not ordinarily aware of. Those parts or qualities can bring a sense of relief. They can increase creativity and they can help you feel more whole.
Try this mini work that I am about to lead you thru to learn more about how to approach problems.
You may want to have paper and pencil nearby.
OK. Think of a question, problem or disturbance you have in your life.
Now, notice something in your surroundings that calls to you in this moment, that’s catching your attention or flirting with you. It could be a sound, a light, a shape, an object, anything that calls you in this moment. Just choose one thing and study that for a bit. Hold it in your gaze. Attend to it.
How would you describe the quality that is catching your attention? Describe it to yourself and make a note of that – the quality of the thing that is catching your attention.
Now, take that quality as a teacher or messenger. How is it a response to your question or problem at the beginning? What is it teaching you? How might it be helpful for the problem you noted when you started.
What attitude does it imply for you the coming week? Make a note of this. I hope it is of help. Thank you.
The Songs That Sing Us (1:21 minutes)
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Hi, I’m Cindy from DeepWell. The weekend is a great time to reset to get a new perspective on something that has been on your mind. Here is a short inner work you can try.
Notice a question or problem that is on your mind.
Think of a song. If you know the words sing them, if not hum the tune.
Now think of another song. Sing or hum it aloud. Notice its energy and rhythm.
How does the second song address your question or problem?
Listen and share your feedback.
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Develop awareness, deepen connections and gain insights to help you grapple with life’s problems. Surprise yourself.
Inner Work Exercise
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Explore our archive of audio exercises, each about 10 minutes in length. This series of audio recordings can help you if you are new to inner work or want to explore a particular aspect of inner work.
Meet our Inner Work Exercise contributors.